Coconut Oil for Hair!
Coconut oil for hair
Coconut oil is a vegetable source oil.In India, coconut oil is widely used for cooking, but coconut oil is also used for various health and beauty benefits.
Since childhood, we have seen when it comes to a head massage it is coconut oil for hair because it’s loaded with a group of fatty acids which are beneficial for your hair, scalp health. Oils are mainly used for their excellent moisturizer properties in cosmetics. Coconut oil has gained a great exposure for its benefits for hair care.
Benefits of coconut oil for hair
Coconut oil as being extracted from a natural source is no doubt one of the safe option to go for. It has excellent moisture retention property and thus acts as a great moisturizer for your hair and scalp.
Coconut oil is easily penetrated into your scalp. which provides nourishment to your hair follicle resulting in hair growth. Applying oil with a massage will improve blood supply to your hair follicle which gives better results.
Being a moisturizer oil will most commonly used to treat dry scalp during winters. It has a soothing effect on your scalp reduced itching due to dryness.Coconut oil is also packed with antifungal and antibacterial properties and thus is very beneficial for treating dandruff.
Coconut oil Hair Mask
Ingredients: 1 banana ripe
2 tbsp. coconut oil
1/2 tbsp honey
Procedure: Blend banana into a soft paste and add coconut oil and honey to make a uniform mixture. Apply this all to your hair keep it for 20-25min and rinse off with the mild shampoo for oily hair.
This mask will work excellent for dry, dull, frizzy hair. other hair type beauties can also use this
How often to use?
Once a week will give a good nourishment to your hair.
Hair treatment using coconut oil
Coconut oil is used in this way since ancient times:
Ingredients required: coconut oil, shower cap or hot towel.
Procedure: Apply warm coconut oil to your hair and scalp. Take oil as per your hair type as some might need a lesser quantity depending upon your scalp, dry scalp tends to soak up more oil.Massage using gentle strokes with the help of your fingers and not nails. Your nails scratch the scalp and irritate hair follicles. Massage gently for 10 minutes so that maximum amount of oil will penetrating into your scalp.
Place a shower cap and get some steam from the steamer. Or dip a towel into hot water squeeze out the excess water and cover your hair with this towel keep it or 15 minutes. This will create a good way for deep penetration for oil and will give your hair a good nourishment.After steaming, just rinse off using a mild shampoo.
Hair treatment for dandruff:
Coconut oil as mentioned earlier is naturally antibacterial and antifungal and helps fight dandruff. A natural treatment to get rid of dandruff using coconut oil:
Ingredients: Coconut oil, Curry leaves, Neem leaves.
Procedure: Take 1 cup of coconut oil and heat it
Add 8-10 fresh crushed curry leaves in the hot oil. Now add 10-12 freshly crushed neem leaves, bring all this to a boil, and now cover this mixture for 10 minutes.Let it cool down, strain out the curry and neem leaves from the mixture. After straining you will get a curry and neem leaves infused coconut oil.
Apply this all over your scalp, make sure it’s cooled enough to apply on your scalp.Keep it for 1/2 hr or even overnight, wash off with a mild shampoo.
This is a very natural treatment and highly effective can also be used for kids who have dandruff issues, as its natural and no chemicals. Curry leaves are exceedingly good for hair health, and aid in fighting dandruff. Neem leaves widely known for their anti-microbial and antifungal properties. Neem will not only remove dandruff from the scalp but also fight the infection caused due to dandruff.
Pure coconut oil for hair
Spotting pure coconut oil is difficult. The market is completely flooded with so many variants of coconut oils. Pure coconut oil is the most natural form of coconut oil which is unadulterated free from herbal extracts, colours, flavors, chemical additives. Smell, texture, and viscosity will be different for pure coconut oil. The fatty acid content of the oil will remain high and intact as it’s not going through any processing. One more way to look for a pure coconut oil is to look for certification of purity grade.
Virgin coconut oil for hair
This oil is also extracted from coconut but without applying any external heat during the extraction process. The main difference is in the fatty acid and nutrients content in virgin coconut oil and a normal processed oil. Virgin oil will be very clear in appearance. This oil will have more moisture retention property as compared to a normal coconut oil. In The extraction process as heat is not applied more amount of nutrient content and a higher amount of antioxidants are left into the oil. This oil will smell more like coconut.
Where to buy coconut oil from?
Today the FMCG market flooded with many brands, variants and new technologies for each product.
Coconut oil is easily available on the market today and can be purchased from Local grocery stores, supermarkets. Online portals dealing with beauty and healthcare products. Even can be shopped from a medical store.
Buy Coconut Oil