Our Manicure And Pedicure Services!
We all love pampering ourselves.. Don’t we? ❤
And especially when it comes to Manicures and Pedicures services at home, no woman would say a No! 😃
Our hands and feet bear the utmost torture compared to any other part of our body… Weather changes, household work, and just the regular activities may dry them out and harm the skin.. And so, taking good care of our hands and feet is very important! ❤
Manicures and pedicures not just remove the dead skin cells and dirt from our hands, feet, and nails but also hydrate and moisturise them and keep them soft and supple for long! 😍
Now, we all know that we women hardly get any time to look after our Health, leave alone going to a parlour and devoting some time to ourselves! 😔
That’s why BeautynBridal brings the parlour to your home! 😍
Yes, you can book an appointment with Beauty and Bridal and they would come, pamper your in the comfort of your own home! ❤
BeautynBridal offers quite a few different packages for manicure service and pedicure services and would cater to everyone’s needs! ☺
They offer arms and legs wax, nail filing and manicure and pedicure services.. Where the manicures and pedicures would cost you just Rs. 300-350 for regular ones to Rs. 800-850 for the Spa ones..
we also, offer packages with facials and D-tan and much more! ❤
Do check out our packages and book a pampering session for yourselves! 😃