There are many different facelift techniques currently used. This post will describe the different facelift techniques used and discuss what techniques are the most effective. There are many different technologies and techniques used to reduce the signs of facial (face mask) aging. You should realize that the skill of the doctor performing these techniques is also critical to obtaining an optimum outcome.

Liquid facelift

The liquid facelift is the first facelift method. Dermal injectable fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, hydroxyapatite, and lactic acid calcium. Some of the best fillers are Voluma, Sculptra, and Juvederm. These fillers are used to non-surgically smooth folds and creases. Also, these fillers fill hollowing areas and plump lips. Using liquid facelift technologies can reduce the need for facelift surgery.

Jawline rejuvenation

The next method is the jawline rejuvenation. Jawline rejuvenation is a method to try to make the area between the upper neck and jaw look younger. Liposuction is used to remove excess fat from the neck. The removal of excess fat sculpts the jawline. The fat can also be used as a filler. The filler is injected back into the midface and cheek area. The filler can add volume. If the skin of the patient has only minimal skin laxity, the procedure is recommended as the skin is not removed by the procedure.

Mini facelift

The mini facelift is a method that uses incisions that are smaller than a standard facelift. In the procedure, small incisions are made. The area that the small incisions are generally made is beneath the cover of the hairline. The small incisions allow the doctor to remove excess tissue and tighten the skin. The result of the small incisions is the better appearance of the neck and jowls. The mini facelift requires less time for recovery than the traditional facelift.

For example, some patients have the procedure on a Friday and go back to work the next Monday. Some patients are even able to go back completely to their normal exercise and life routines within three days. The results of the mini facelift are generally less than a traditional facelift. The mini facelift is best for someone younger or someone who does not want a complete facelift.


The S-lift is a method to treat the lower third of the neck and jowls. The jowl is the lower part of a person’s cheek. During the procedure, an incision is made. The incision is s-shaped and is used to separate the underlying tissue from the skin. The skin is pulled higher to allow the doctor to increase the tightness of tissue and muscles. Finally, the incision is closed with stitches. The S-lift generally requires less recovery time than a traditional full facelift.


The mid-facelift works to treat the mid-face area. The mid-face area is mostly the cheek area. For the procedure, the surgeon makes incisions within the mouth. The surgeon also makes small incisions above the ears in the hairline. The incisions that the doctor makes reposition the fat pads in the cheeks. This procedure also tightens skin in the face.

Cutaneous lift (skin only)

The procedure helps improve issues in the lower face and neck area. Incisions are made within the hairline around the ear to allow the doctor to separate the skin from the underlying muscle. The doctor also removes any excess skin. The doctor then stretches the skin before closing with sutures. Since no muscle is tightened, the cutaneous lift has a shorter recovery time than other facelift techniques.

Temporal facelift or brow lift

The temporal facelift or brow lift concentrates on making the eyebrow area look better. This procedure is chosen when a patient does not want to have a more extensive facelift. The doctor makes small incisions at the hairline to raise the skin on both sides of the brows. These techniques make the eyebrow area look better.

MACS lift / quicklift

The MACS lift / quicklift are modifications of the S-lift techniques. The MACS lift/quicklift uses more of the techniques of the traditional facelift than the S-lift. The MACS lift is more invasive but also delivers greater results. MACS lift / quicklift is good for someone with moderate aging of the face.

Traditional facelift

The traditional facelift is the best procedure for someone who has significant facial aging. The doctor makes incisions into the hairline around the ears. Also, a small incision is made underneath the chin. The skin is separated from the muscles underneath to allow for the tightening of the muscles. The muscles are tightened in the face and the neck. Groups of muscles are sutured together in the front of the neck to create a smooth contour and a well-defined neckline. Excess fat is eliminated as the patient needs. The skin is re-draped in a natural way and excess skin is removed. This surgery provides the patient with the most dramatic results of any procedure. A patient can return to work within 10 days. Sutures can generally be removed within seven days. A patient should be able to exercise within two weeks of surgery.

Other procedures are very often performed with facelifts. Chin implants, fat transfers, and rhinoplasty are common additional procedures. These additional procedures are used to meet the goals of the patient and enhance the results of facelifts. Medication can be used to help with pain and tenderness after a procedure. The patient should have realistic expectations when having a procedure. Cigarette smoking can interfere with wound healing and should be stopped during the healing process. For patients with serious medical problems, facelift procedures are not recommended.

The patient needs to make sure to find a good doctor to perform any procedures. Dr. Jacono is an excellent doctor in NYC. He can consult with patients about various facelift techniques at his NYC practice. Talking about goals for a facelift is important. The patient should research online to make sure he or she understands the benefits and risks of a facelift.


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